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Karen's Book Light... Dos

I read a book... write a review... give my opinion. I am a huge YA fan, but dip into the occasional New Adult if it isn't too explicit.

The Rock Star's Daughter (Treadwell Academy, #1)

The Rock Star's Daughter  - Caitlyn Duffy Review to come.

The Rock Star's Daughter (Treadwell Academy, #1)

The Rock Star's Daughter  - Caitlyn Duffy Review to come.

The Rock Star's Daughter (Treadwell Academy, #1)

The Rock Star's Daughter  - Caitlyn Duffy Review to come.
Sia - Josh Grayson Review to come!

Perception (Perception, #1)

Perception (Perception, #1) - Lee Strauss,  Elle Strauss Review to come.

Midnight Frost

Midnight Frost - Yes, sadly I only gave it 3 stars. I don't know if it was just my attitude going into this book, but it took me a LOOOONG time to really get back into the plot. After the downer of an ending in the last book, I just couldn't get out of the depression of not having one of the main characters!! I missed ____ way too much!(Don't want to give away spoilers) Silly, I know, but I just didn't feel anything until half way through the book. So much was lacking! There wasn't the quick wit and banter between Gwen and her friends. Daphne wasn't even irritating or annoying! It was just facts and Gwen feeling sorry for herself. I'm sorry, but Gwen's pitty-party was really bothering me this time. After the book picked up, I felt a little relieved things were changing and Gwen would come through and be her stubborn bad-A self. I was happier with this ending, but it still didn't have the depth and spark of the other Mythos books. Getting a new character was one of the highlights of Midnight Frost which brought answers I didn't even know I had. My favorite thing of all was the introduction of new mythological creatures. They won my heart over immediately! Estep once again delivered on her ability to bring these creatures to life and build an incredible world. Like I said, I felt there was a lot missing in this installment when it came to the characters being true to themselves, but in the same breath I felt the beautiful world of mythology still grab me. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read and review an ARC copy of Midnight Frost.

Luminescence (Luminescence, #1)

Luminescence (Luminescence, #1) - J.L. Weil Review to come.


More - T.M. Franklin Even though I wasn't blown away, It caught my attention enough I read it in almost one sitting. It begins with Ava, a college student, having a recurring nightmare of being chased by someone with 2 different color eyes. She soon meets a physics tutor, Caleb, who seems to be a little nerdy, but not... at the same time. The story was written in 3rd person so I did get a glimpse at what was going on, and who (as in what kind of paranormal) this is about. More was so creative, and out of the norm of what everyone else has been writing, it was nice to get caught up in a world that so closely resembled my own but with a lot MORE. I enjoyed getting to know the new world the author created, intense but not so complicated that I got a headache trying to keep up. Ava. I enjoyed her character, being feisty, smart, but yet not afraid to ask for help. Caleb was my favorite. Perfection of a man trying to be clumsy, bland and terrible at it. Being a protector and a physics tutor was the perfect cover for him, but he seemed to struggle trying to be the nerd he was supposed to be. I cracked up a few times at his ways he tried to seem to be a klutz. He seemed to be hiding something, which just made him mysterious and therefore more attractive. I look forward to reading the next book in the series!! Thank you to NetGalley and The Writer's Coffee Shop Publishing House for giving me the opportunity to read this e-book.

The 5th Wave

The 5th Wave - Review to come!


Ink - Amanda Sun Bummer! I really tried to get into this book. The whole idea was intriguing and I so wanted to love this book. I looked forward to getting to know the Japanese culture, especially with kids and teens. I wanted to get into their heads and see how similar their pop culture measured to my childhood... But, I was just too confused. I just couldn't catch the flow of the book, the names (not easily pronounced)were hard to keep track and follow. I think if I had been to Japan and experienced the names, places and customs this book would have been perfect. You know the saying.. "had to be there"? Thats how I felt. Lost and missing something important... like missing the punch line, or storyline in this case. I'm sorry Amanda Sun, but I just couldn't keep up. I am sure you will have a great fan base of those who are into anime, or understand the language or culture. I wish I was one of them. (sad face)

Siege and Storm

Siege and Storm - WOW!! Review to come!

The Goddess Test

The Goddess Test - Aimee Carter Review to come!


Transcendence - C.J. Omololu LOVED IT! Review coming!

Gameboard of the Gods

Gameboard of the Gods - I am well known for my rushing-into-things-without-thinking.... the OH-LOOK!-It's-Richelle-Mead-I'm-going-to-request-it-immediately-ZONE. I didn't even consider this book could be and ADULT book!! DUH Karen!! Being so excited to read something new from Richelle Mead, I didn't realize it wasn't a Young Adult read until I started reading. *sigh* Mentioning that I was disappointed would be an understatement. But... I got over it and decided to read it anyway. The first part of the book seemed to be really great. I loved Justin's character as well as Mae's. Soon I was a little lost with the whole story. Then it became...INFORMATION OVERLOAD!! I realize that each character has a past that we are slowly uncovering, but for me it was too slow, but then the world building, the politics, the semantics of it all just jumbled in my head. I had to go back and re-read things a few times to try and make sense of each character. Maybe I am not up to reading something this complex or what but I just couldn't finish this book without a headache. I'm sorry Ms. Mead. I hate giving bad reviews, but I just can't bring myself, or focus my attention on this book. I am a fan of the Vampire Academy novels and can't wait to see it on film or tv.

Gameboard of the Gods

Gameboard of the Gods - I am well known for my rushing-into-things-without-thinking.... the OH-LOOK!-It's-Richelle-Mead-I'm-going-to-request-it-immediately-ZONE. I didn't even consider this book could be and ADULT book!! DUH Karen!! Being so excited to read something new from Richelle Mead, I didn't realize it wasn't a Young Adult read until I started reading. *sigh* Mentioning that I was disappointed would be an understatement. But... I got over it and decided to read it anyway. The first part of the book seemed to be really great. I loved Justin's character as well as Mae's. Soon I was a little lost with the whole story. Then it became...INFORMATION OVERLOAD!! I realize that each character has a past that we are slowly uncovering, but for me it was too slow, but then the world building, the politics, the semantics of it all just jumbled in my head. I had to go back and re-read things a few times to try and make sense of each character. Maybe I am not up to reading something this complex or what but I just couldn't finish this book without a headache. I'm sorry Ms. Mead. I hate giving bad reviews, but I just can't bring myself, or focus my attention on this book. I am a fan of the Vampire Academy novels and can't wait to see it on film or tv.


Invisibility - Andrea Cremer, David Levithan WOW... This is so not what I thought it was going to be! I even (mistakenly) thought it would be lame. How can you really make a story, especially with romance involved, interesting when one person is invisible? Boy was I ever wrong!Listening to this book was an added bonus. The narrators were AWESOME! They did an amazing job bringing the characters to life. Each chapter changed point of views switching between Steven and Elizabeth. LOVE LOVE LOVE that! I fell in love with Steven right from the very beginning.. wandering through life not just ignored but completely void from everyone and everything. He could only watch other peoples lives never to be part of them, until one day... SHE SEES HIM! Elizabeth. Not exactly my favorite person in the story. She was just too abrasive, stubborn, and a little selfish at times. I know I may be in the minority, but I don't like heroines who end up being the martyr. I understand this is an equal-opportunity world and I'm very glad it is, BUT... I still am old fashioned in some ways, wanting men to be MEN!(Ok, off my high-horse.)Oh how I enjoyed Laurie! When I first heard his name, I was thinking he was a girl. NOPE! When I realized it was a Little Women reference, I had to smile. His personality brought so much light, joy and laughter to the pressing issues they were faced with. Laurie was definitely my favorite!! FINALLY!! An ending I can live with!! No huge cliffhanger! This left me satisfied but yet leaving me wanting questions answered. It was great!