Yes, sadly I only gave it 3 stars. I don't know if it was just my attitude going into this book, but it took me a LOOOONG time to really get back into the plot. After the downer of an ending in the last book, I just couldn't get out of the depression of not having one of the main characters!! I missed ____ way too much!(Don't want to give away spoilers) Silly, I know, but I just didn't feel anything until half way through the book. So much was lacking! There wasn't the quick wit and banter between Gwen and her friends. Daphne wasn't even irritating or annoying! It was just facts and Gwen feeling sorry for herself. I'm sorry, but Gwen's pitty-party was really bothering me this time. After the book picked up, I felt a little relieved things were changing and Gwen would come through and be her stubborn bad-A self. I was happier with this ending, but it still didn't have the depth and spark of the other Mythos books. Getting a new character was one of the highlights of Midnight Frost which brought answers I didn't even know I had. My favorite thing of all was the introduction of new mythological creatures. They won my heart over immediately! Estep once again delivered on her ability to bring these creatures to life and build an incredible world. Like I said, I felt there was a lot missing in this installment when it came to the characters being true to themselves, but in the same breath I felt the beautiful world of mythology still grab me. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read and review an ARC copy of Midnight Frost.